Saint Matthew Parish “Why?” Statement

This “why statement” explains our noble purpose as a Catholic faith community. The statement also describes how and what we do to achieve our purpose.



We answer the call to love and serve by walking with Christ.


As a Catholic community, we love God and others by devoting our time, talent, and treasure.
“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Matthew 6:21


As a Catholic community, we offer a spiritual home that transforms lives by

  • Meeting spiritual needs using God’s Word and the sacraments and by nurturing a personal relationship with Christ.
  • Giving generously.
  • Achieving a deep sense of belonging to the Saint Matthew Parish family.
  • Inspiring personal growth and growing God’s kingdom.

Join the Parish

Welcome! Click here to learn about joining Saint Matthew Parish. Also, stop by our Welcome Table in the narthex before or after weekend Masses for information about Saint Matthew Church and School.