Saint Matthew Parish “Why?” Statement
This “why statement” explains our noble purpose as a Catholic faith community. The statement also describes how and what we do to achieve our purpose.


“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Matthew 6:21

- Meeting spiritual needs using God’s Word and the sacraments and by nurturing a personal relationship with Christ.
- Giving generously.
- Achieving a deep sense of belonging to the Saint Matthew Parish family.
- Inspiring personal growth and growing God’s kingdom.
St. Matthew Church:
Vision Plan
Mission Statement
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you.
Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Vision Statement
United in the Eucharist, Saint Matthew is a vibrant and joyful community of faith, hope, and love. In our spiritual home, we welcome everyone through worship, fellowship, faith formation, education, and ministry. We are the hands and feet of Christ.
Guiding Values
We are a Eucharistic Family.
Acts 2:42 John 6:35
Every person is a gift from God.
Philippians 2:3 Matthew 5:15-16
We belong to our parish and one another.
Ephesians 2:19
We join our hearts and voices in liturgy.
Psalm 150:6
We are rooted in prayer.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
The sacraments fill us with grace.
Mark 14:22-24 Acts 22:16 John 20:22
Our Catholic faith is strengthened through ongoing formation and service.
Ephesians 5:8-9
We demonstrate our love for Jesus by caring for others.
Hebrews 13:16
Jesus is known by our example.
John 13:34-35
Evaluate current communication strategies and investigate communication tools to develop a plan to effectively engage more parishioners.
• Create a communications advisory group of 3-4 people representing different parishioner age groups to discuss current communication methods and brainstorm other options in 2024.
• Update communication strategies based on the guidance of the communications advisory group with multiple communication tools that will be coordinated by the parish communications coordinator by the end of 2024 and into 2025.
Develop a Communications Committee to coordinate and disseminate information for both the school and parish supporting the parish communications coordinator.
• Introduce screens in the narthex to share information about the parish: how to register, upcoming events, welcoming new parishioners, celebrating sacraments, etc. in 2023.
• Create a description to guide the scope and purpose of the Communications Committee in 2025.
• Invite parishioners reflecting the parish demographics with communication skills or interests to participate on the committee in 2025.
Foster a Christ-centered environment of hospitality that will promote a culture of welcome and belonging for registered and new parishioners.
• Utilize the narthex information screens with photos of sacraments, new parishioners, ministries, events, and lay leaders in 2023.
• Evaluate current welcoming procedures to develop a more robust program to onboard new parishioners, including registration process, activities, touchpoints, and timelines in 2023 and into 2024.
• Highlight all parish ministries as the “Ministry of the Week” in the bulletin to provide details about the ministry and how to be involved with the goal to engage every parishioner in 2024.
• Staff the welcome table with representatives of the highlighted “Ministry of the Week” to answer questions about the parish and about the ministry starting in 2024.
• Develop a culture of personal Invitation to engage parishioners across ministries, programs, service, and outreach in 2025.
Create opportunities to foster relationships across the generations.
• Establish a routine for annual parish events and ministry activities with a structured calendar in 2024 (e.g., parish picnic on the third weekend of September.)
• Develop new spiritual/social gatherings that allow connection and belonging in 2025.
• Intentional focus on generational age groups for new activities and ministries: young adults, mature adults, empty nest adults, young families, college-age families, single adults, etc. in 2025.
Strengthen the commitment to the baptismal call to serve beyond the liturgy through increased participation in service and outreach as a witness of Christ.
• Enhance existing and develop new communication strategies to promote activities and opportunities to serve in 2023.
• Start a Connections Committee to help connect parishioners to ministries, programs, and resources in early 2024.
• Present the parish ministry fair in the spring and fall with all ministries represented at one or both fairs, starting in 2024.
Build upon and develop ministries that create a family of faith.
• Evaluate all current parish activities and ministries with a deep dive into the details of the ministry or activity to determine its purpose, scope, and effectiveness to better connect parishioners who want to serve and participate in 2023.
• Analyze the needs of parishioners at various stages in life (young families, school-age families, youth, 9-12 year old students, young adults, mature adults) to create programs and opportunities to meet the identified needs, starting in 2024.
Faith Formation
Develop formation opportunities that lead parishioners of all ages to spiritual growth and a deepening of their relationship with Jesus Christ.
• Create a core team of adult youth leaders to assist the Coordinator of Youth Ministry in 2023.
• Establish generational and/or intergenerational faith sharing groups using FORMED series relevant to liturgical seasons and topics (i.e.: Eucharist, saints, Advent, etc.) in 2024.
Strengthen the knowledge of our parishioners on Catholic beliefs and teachings to live our faith to the fullest.
• Promote Upon This Rock as a religious education series and/or an individual learning opportunity, starting in 2023 and into 2024.
• Establish a yearly intergenerational catechetical event in 2025.
Liturgy and Worship
Make the experience of Sunday Mass the source and strength for parishioners to go forth to love and serve the Lord.
• Strengthen our liturgical life through faithful celebration of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, missions, resources, preaching, and organic movements of the Holy Spirit, embracing the resources for the Eucharistic Revival in 2023.
• Gather all liturgical ministers (lectors, extraordinary ministers, and servers) for prayer before each Mass in 2024.
Create intentional opportunities for parishioners to know and understand more deeply and clearly the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith.
• Recruit more Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to offer Precious Blood at every Mass in 2023.
• Create more opportunities for Adoration with intentional focus, using resources provided by the Archdiocesan Office of Worship during the parish phase of the Eucharistic Revival in 2024.
• Utilize the homily to teach and instruct about mass in 2024 and 2025.
St. Matthew School Vision Plan
Catholic Identity and Mission
Provide a learning and formation experience that builds the Body of Christ, where students feel welcome in their spiritual home and family with an emphasis in the Sacraments, service, citizenship, leadership, and stewardship, with Catholic values always as the pre-eminent guiding principles.
- Promote ongoing participation in the Sacraments while at St. Matthew and in high school and beyond
- Produce good citizens as well as students who are known for their behavior and service as well as their academic achievements
- Promote Outstanding Warrior and other similar awards (i.e. service and participation activities as noted in BCHS St. Matthew snapshot)
Governance and Leadership
Nurture an environment where all levels of leadership (parish, school, commissions, PFA, etc.) participate and collaborate together to fulfill the vision of St. Matthew Parish, keeping Catholic principles in mind as we make decisions and support one another’s ministries, and where we provide these leaders the support they need to accomplish important tasks.
- Service Hours- How to enforce? Monetary? Positive reinforcement instead of negative consequences? Personal Invitations?
- How to increase the volunteer base so it’s not the same people all the time
- Ask for suggestions from those who aren’t volunteering
- Be sensitive and understanding to families with different backgrounds/situations/needs/abilities and still try to provide opportunities to them
Academic Excellence
Provide an education where all students can learn and demonstrate their progress on key performance metrics with an emphasis on growth for whole child (spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, physically)
- Develop our own scorecard that demonstrates this progress through diverse holistic forms of measurement, including but not limited to standardized testing, formative assessment, teacher feedback, participation levels and completion, etc.
- Consider revamping Parent/Teacher conferences (goals {i.e. to discuss current progress or if they are ready to proceed (see next goal)}, timing of when they occur, format, etc.)
- Continually update parish about all forms of academic success (find new ways)
Prepare students for the next level in their academic careers
- New scorecard as shown above to demonstrate progress and preparedness while transitioning levels at St. Matthew
- Evidence being shown through discussions with and data from our primary high schools and student performance (i.e. Honor Roll attainment, graduation rates, Academic Honors diploma, scholarship money earned, etc.)
- Continue to find ways to smooth out jumps in levels (i.e. 3rd grade to 4th grade, 4th/5th mini-Middle School to Middle School)
Operational Vitality
Ensure a safe, secure, and up-to-date campus as a proper learning environment for all students and staff with both short-term needs addressed and a long-term focus kept in mind
- Facilities
- Camera System
- Find ways to bridge any gaps between Admin (Facilities) Commission and school groups to make each more familiar and find ways to collaborate to achieve these goals of a safe, secure, and up-to-date campus
- Facilities
- Also secure from a sustainability standpoint (to be a vibrant community)
- Operationally (enrollment)
- Financially (sound financial principles and procedures—but not a business {back to making decisions with Catholic principles in mind})
- Grow the pot- Find grants, fundraisers, endowment, Alumni appeal, and other resources to make it more affordable to maintain and grow St. Matthew School.

Join the Parish
Welcome! Click here to learn about joining Saint Matthew Parish. Also, stop by our Welcome Table in the narthex before or after weekend Masses for information about Saint Matthew Church and School.