Join the Parish
We welcome you to our parish! To register as a parishioner, please complete this form. Follow these steps when completing the form, otherwise your information may not be saved: (1) Save the form to your desktop/device. (2) Open the form and complete it. (3) Resave the form. (4) Attach the completed form to an email to our bulletin editor.
Or you may drop the completed form in the collection basket or mail it to St. Matthew Parish Office, 4100 E. 56th St., Indianapolis IN 46220.
For questions or if you prefer the form mailed to you, please contact the parish office at 317-257-4297.
Welcome packets with registration forms are also available on the Welcome Table in the narthex.
Interested in Becoming a Catholic? If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic or want to join the Catholic faith, please contact the parish office.