Mass and Reconciliation
St. Matthew Catholic Church
4100 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
Weekend Masses
Saturday at 5 p.m.
Sunday at 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 a.m.
Daily Masses
When School is in Session:
Weekday Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesday at 6 p.m.
When School is not in Session:
Weekday Mass: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Adoration follows the Wednesday evening Mass until 7:30 p.m.
View local Mass times at
Reconciliation: Saturday from 4 until 4:30 p.m.
Communion to the Homebound
We visit the sick and the homebound with Holy Communion. Please call (317-257-4297, ext. 2211) or email the parish office to make arrangements.
Men’s Club: Join Us to Make a Difference in Our Parish
The Men’s Club is a social and outreach group that assists with church and school needs. Men’s Club members meet for fellowship and work to make a difference in our parish. Watch the bulletin and web site for meetings and events.
Mass Intentions
To have a Mass offered for someone, living or deceased, please call 317-257-4297. Mass offering is $10.

Join the Parish
Welcome! Click here to learn about joining Saint Matthew Parish. Also, stop by our Welcome Table in the narthex for information about Saint Matthew Church and School.
Saint Matthew Parish Stewardship

Using Your Time and Talent
Use your time and talent to make a difference at Saint Matthew Parish.

Online Giving
Thank you for your financial support of our parish. Faith Direct is our online giving program. To enroll, visit Our church code is IN187.

Supporting St. Matthew with RaiseRight
RaiseRight gift cards can help Saint Matthew and you! Stop by the RaiseRight office in the narthex for details.